25 November, 2011

Overall Initial impressions so far

I've been playing for about an hour and a half.  I've made it level 5 (I think) and then the game client stopped responding and I had to restart.  

While I'm waiting to get back in, I'll address a complaint that I think people will be screaming about the Old Republic: "It just a WoW clone with Star Wars".  

Well, it is and it isn't.

It's no more a WoW clone than WoW is/was a EQ clone.

The term clone, to me, would indicate that any differences were purely cosmetic.  I wouldn't call WoW "revolutionary", but WoW was a generational improvement over EQ, and TOR is shaping up to be a generational improvement over WoW.  

This game is almost EXACTLY what I would have expected if WoW and KotOR got piss drunk one night, and had a love child.  It looks just like both parents.

This isn't to say that there aren't a LOT of similarities between WoW and TOR.  TOR has certainly implemented a LOT of the improvements that WoW pioneered over the last few years (easy quest logs, quest markers, etc).  It also has some of the problems that I feel WoW developed during cataclysm, namely the way the zone (only played Ord Mantel so far) feels like its "On Rails".  It feels like there isn't much in the way of deciding where to go, your just directed from your quest hub, to the "wilderness" where your quests are, then go back and forth between them, each one at a time.  But these are still the early levels, and hopefully, things will become a bit less... linear as the game progresses. 

Here's hoping


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