25 November, 2011

Advanced classes

Well, Now I'm a bit concerned.  I just hit level 10 and selected my advanced class on my trooper (I went Commando. Giggity).  Anyway, when I was selected, the game dialog made it fairly clear that that your choice is permanent.  Their exact words were "You cannot change your mind, your training is with you until you retire"

What.  The.  Fuck.

One of THE most successful features in MMOs was WoW's addition of a dual specialization.  For anyone not familiar with this, Blizzard added a feature during Wrath where you could pay in game cash for an alternate set of talents.  You could move between the two sets out of combat, and doing so exhausted any "rechargeable" resources your class had (focus, energy, mana, w/w).  Furthermore, you could ALWAYS pay to respec your talents in a class.  It was in the almost from day 1.

If I am reading this correctly, then not only are they not seem to anticipate allowing dual spec'ing for characters, but even if they did, you CANNOT respec into the OTHER advanced class of your class.

I REALLY hope I am mistaken reading this, because otherwise this is a MASSIVE failing on BioWare's part.  They will need to add some way to spec into a different advanced class to allow the same flexibility that WoW currently provides to accommodate instancing and raiding.  It was a wildly successful addition to WoW, and there is no reason it should be so restrictive in TOR.

EDIT: While I can't currently find it, it appears the ability to respec should be available in your skill tree screen, indicating you won't need to visit a trainer to change your spec.  A nice convenience compared to WoW.

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