25 November, 2011

Alright, I'm going to try to more or less "stream of consciousness" my thoughts on the game as I play without getting too fan-boy on the whole thing.

But seriously I'm freaking GIDDY was the load screen comes up.  This is gonna ROCK!!!

It's small, but I like the animated load icon.

Estimated 5 min wait to get into the Sword of Ajunta Pall server, could be worse.  But it keeps going up...  maybe i shouldn't have watched the full intro (It's just the return to Korriban trailer released about 4 months ago)

Also, the sever selection screen only lists EAST COAST servers, I wonder if thats just what they're load testing, I can't imagine they wouldn't have West coast servers at launch.

Wow, estimated wait times just jumped to over 10 hrs on the two listed servers.

Oh dear, I needed to hit "select" to get into a queue... well, that's some wasted time.

Alright, we're in, but on the whitedash run server, or something, instead of Ajunta Pall I was looking for.

Apparently you can't create a last name.  NOT COOL BIOWARE.

Starting by making a Zabrak Trooper.  I turned up my resolution to desktop native, but seem to be getting some slow down. When I get into the game, I'm going to try to reduce res back down to 1024 X 768.

Ah, the narrative scroll.  Chaos grips the Galactic Republic... THIS is what Star Wars should feel like.  The title on this was "Prologue", it'd be nice to see one of these every chapter.

Hmmm, even on reduced settings I'm not getting great performance here...

It KILLS me how EVERYONE else in my squad has armor.  I get a f***ing jumpsuit...

Gonna tackle the opening areas and post again.


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