19 August, 2009

Sunken Temple, BlizzCon and Grunty

So this is one of those times I realize that I'm not nearly as young as I used to be. I was up late running Sunken Temple, and damn, now I'm feeing it.  I've become such a freaking sucker for healing instances, its just so EASY to get into a group. Not only that, my regular guildies and PUG members seem to think I'm getting pretty good at it. So After running Uldaman and Zul'Farak with my other two primary guildies and a couple DPS pick-ups, I was ready to log. The ZF group was by far the best run I've had in a very long time, the group knew all the fights, except for our newbie, and he caught on really fast. I'm very proud of him. When i was just getting ready to log, I got an invite to Sunken Temple. Now, I love Sunken Temple, I think it was a great example of vanilla instancing with a lot of flavor. I had just run a friend through on my 80 Hunter a few days ago, and had a refresher on all the fights, but I hadn't run Sunken on a level appropriate toon in about 8 months. At first I said no, but then we were able to get our Pally tank in and my resto druid. And down we went into temple...

The roster:

48 Resto Druid (me)
48 Prot Pally (Guildie)
46 Prot Pally (original tank, but went DPS)
47 Mage, I think fire
55 Elemental Shaman

Then I found out I was the only one with any experience in ST

"Crap", was first thought.

Luckily, my second was "Well, lets suck it up and see how it goes..." Thank god I rethought it, beacause it went really well. We had great DPS from the Shaman, which made life vastly easier with her chain lightning and the mage's blizzard. After a few little tweaks to playing style, we were golden. Basement was cake, and then the upstairs was smooth, just one wipe when we pulled way more aggro than we could handle with the mobs in the Prophet's chambers. It was fun getting to say "Okay, now it gets hard" when we got to the top floor when the shield was down. It was a great run, and I feel like I was able to educate some good players how to to get through it. Its a massive headache if you don't know what order to do things in. I got some nice Feral gear, and everyone came out ahead in gear, which is the best kind of run.

So I'm finding that I really like healing, and its a good place I think to lead a group from, because I HAVE to watch everyone. I look forward to more runs.

In other news, I'm looking foward to Blizzcon launching.  Even though I won't be in attendance, I will be streaming it online and I'll still consider it to be my first BlizzCon.  It will be nice to get the story about whats gonna happen in the coming months to years and see the progress that Blizz has made on their other projects (StarCraft, Diablo, Unannounced future MMO).

I admit, the Murloc pet will be cool too...


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